App launch

Simplest precise addresses

App available on Play Store & The Web

A Wolo Code is a precise address which is only three simple words long - that can be navigated to by GPS directly

The “Wolo Code” app solves the address problem by combining GPS technology with linguistics. With just 3 simple words, Wolo Codes lets users pinpoint any address within a city, that they can navigate to using their preferred maps app on their smartphones.

With the smartphone equipped with GPS technology and fast internet connection becoming ubiquitous - more and more users have started using maps applications on their smartphones to get to popular places directly. While businesses and popular points of interests often have a listing on the digital maps platform, an individual’s precise address often does not get to be listed on the maps app. Moreover generic and common names often cause confusion. Additionally there are businesses that are yet not listed on the maps. Or it may be so that the listed location may not be accurate or could be outdated. Additionally a large place could have multiple entrances which the Maps listing may not list. In such cases - even with the GPS technology available, users cannot make use of it to get to the exact addresses. The geo coordinates like 27. 4326N, 32. 4653E that could be used to specify an address are complicated numbers. They are next to impossible to remember and difficult to communicate, esp. verbally; therefore useless for the purpose, at least for the wide public.

Wolo Code alleviates these issues by providing the same coordinate in a different format, i.e. using words that we are all familiar with - which makes it far easier to handle and communicate.

Wolo Code transforms the exact coordinates into simple words e.g. \ cat apple tomato /. The actual coordinates are obtained from the words directly. The goal of the app is to make users not have to repeat or worry about accuracy. Besides using only simple words the app ensures very high precision of just 2 meters. This is so accurate that two points on the opposite lanes of a road will have different Wolo codes. And that makes it ideal even for the smallest of the homes in underdeveloped and highly crowded areas, like the slums.

Unlike most other competing solutions, that generate short codes for a provided address - Wolo Codes are already ready for ALL locations and thus do not need to be registered and synced to a central server. Therefore they are usable offline without any additional work.

A user can either download the app from the Play Store for an Android Smartphone or go to the website: using their smartphone’s browser. The default screen in the app is straightforward and has a simple form. Entering a Wolo code opens the corresponding coordinate in the maps app or ride sharing app.

In order for a Wolo Code to be easily distinguishable from the rest of the words - it is to be enclosed in a leading backslash: ‘ \ ’ and an ending forward slash: ‘ / ’, E.g. \ cat apple tomato /

The same app can also be used to find the Wolo code of any given place on the map, either by searching for its popular name or by pointing to it on the map.

Ujjwal Singh the creator of Wolo Code had first invented a generic system to communicate digital data with words from a set of just 1,024 words, naming it WCodes. And had presented a working prototype that would convert between coordinates and words back in early 2013 on a crowdfunding platform and his website

His plan is to popularize the system and to issue standard labels to businesses and individuals with Wolo Code for their addresses. The labels can be business card sized paper cards with the Name of the place and Wolo Code written on them. He is looking to raise funds for marketing and forging partnerships with various companies that rely on geolocation and could benefit from simple, hassle free, precise - unambiguous addressing.

Since the app depends on a city - very remote places that have no city associated with them will first require a name to be associated with that area in order for Wolo Code to be usable in the area.

The app is available for free on Play Store and as a web app.

Play Store: Wolo Codes